The Department of Future Technologies provides a set of virtual machines for software development and other tasks via The utuvm-latex virtual machine is especially preconfigured Linux VM (Debian stable) for generating LaTeX documents and should compile the thesis template without any issues.

The virtual machine contains preinstalled versions of

  • TeX Live (popular Linux/Unix LaTeX distribution)
  • LyX (for WYSIWYM editing)
  • Pandoc for generating LaTeX documents from markdown sources
  • TeX editors (Gummy, Texworks, Texmaker, Texstudio)
  • Generic editors (Emacs, Vim, Geany, nano)
  • PDF reader (Evince)
  • Pygments for syntax highlighting (minted)
  • Seafile client for storing the documents in the University's Seafile server.
  • Docker, systemd-nspawn

The virtual machine also comes with a modern browser (Chromium) for editing documents in Overleaf.

Extra applications can be easily installed from deb packages.

Using the virtual machine

Please refer to the instructions on the virtual machine download site for setting up the platform. All the necessary tools for compiling documents have been pre-installed in the utuvm-latex virtual machine.

Next, you can continue to the tutorial that demonstrates the use of typical features required in a thesis document. There are also further instructions for using and configuring the template.