Recommended platforms
Overleaf Easily write the thesis anywhere using the real-time collaborative service hosted by University of Turku. The same instructions apply to GitLab Git is a robust platform for both, local and distributed online development. It maintains the full editing history and provides excellent support for multi-author documents. The GitLab CI/CD integration automatically generates the PDF artifacts.
Other supported platforms
Local LaTeX Installation Traditional method of compiling the thesis locally using a LaTeX distribution. LyX A graphical WYSIWYM (what you see is what you mean) front-end tool for LaTeX. Somewhat different from LaTeX, possibly less steep learning curve. Requires a LaTeX distribution as a back-end. Docker build environment Containerized solution for generating documents locally or with the CI/CD pipeline in a Git service (e.g. GitLab / GitHub). LaTeX virtual machine Preconfigured, easy to use, sandboxed Linux distribution for writing documents locally. The same distribution is also available as a USB live image.